Green Forest XR - Privacy Policy

Green Forest XR - A division of Big Letter M Design, (the "company") is an entertainment company specialized in the AR/VR environment. We create and sell immersive AR/VR experiences and applications that aim to empower minds and imagination in 3D. We are a platform for neurodiverse play, creative exploration and divergent thinking using immersive educational storytelling experiences.

The purpose of this policy is to provide you with important information and explanations about how and why some of your data may be collected and processed by the Company when you use one of our applications or browse on our website. This privacy policy governs and details the main principles that apply to the data we collect and process to: 

(i) develop and publish AR/VR games/apps 

(ii) run our corporate website. 

In case you have any questions related to this policy or our practices around privacy and data protection in general, please don’t hesitate to contact Green Forest XR’s Data Protection Officer. 

Why do we collect data from our apps and games:

When you install and use our app, we collect and process some of your data for different legitimate purposes. Below are the explanations regarding the reasons why we may collect data and the legal bases we rely on in each case. 

  • To provide you with the services you asked for - such data processing is strictly necessary for the service(s) asked; 

  • To run analytics and understand how users interact with our product and services in order to continuously improve it

What kind of data we collect from our apps and games.

  • The data that we collect is limited to: 

(i) Your IP address 

(ii) Technical information about the device you use and your connection 

(iii) Data pertaining to your activities on our applications and notably the way in which you interact with our applications (for instance, how and when you use our applications).

With what Party your data may be shared.

  • We do not share your personal data with third parties without your prior consent. When you consent to the collection of data for analytics purposes, we may share the data listed above with the following categories of recipients:

    • Analytic companies: that provide us with tools and technologies that allow us to better understand how users interact with our services and will help us improve it. Those partners also usually collect data via their own SDKs. You will find a list of our partners implementing analytical SDKs through our applications hereafter:

      • currently not in use

 - Authorities: only to the extent we are obliged to by applicable laws and regulations. 

For how long do we keep your data? 

Personal data collected, received and processed for the purposes described in this policy is not kept longer than necessary for the purposes described above in this section. In all cases, we do not retain such data for more than 13 months.

Children data

We never knowingly or willingly collect any personal data concerning children under 16 years of age. 

Access right 

Upon request, we will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information. You may access or request deletion of your personal information by contacting us at We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. 

Rectification and erasure 

You may request us the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you, as well as the completion of incomplete personal data. You may also request us to erase without undue delay your personal data when it is no longer necessary for us to retain such data.

Right to lodge a complaint  

You may lodge a complaint with our Data Protection Officer at